We're in the same boat even though our supplier was "funded" by BP

"Keep sending us readings, keep paying the direct debit and sometime in the future we'll tell you how much more you owe. By the way youwon't get abetter deal so don't try to switch because our best rate at the moment is at the price cap"

It is just annoying that for bulb customers everyone else is effectively subsidising them at prices probably below the price cap because the "safety net" put in place by the government is not big enough.

Strange isn't it that when the Financial Services/Banks went through a similar crisis in 2008 it was "the Governments lack of regulation/failure to act on sub-prime lending" to blame and the taxpayer had to pay for all of the problems not just the bigger banks!

Posted By: Ruttles on November 25th 2021 at 11:49:54

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