You can go for a night out with one of these groups. Which do you go with?

Group 1: BWOD, camcan and Delia. To drink: nice cup of tea. General theme: catch up on family news, quick chat about the Archers, early night.

Group 2: norway, pants and SCC. To drink: gall and wormwood. General theme: rage, tennis, and shooting each other in the face.

Group 3: Tombs. To drink: nothing, are you mad? It isn’t actually happening.

Group 4: essexcanaryOTBC, Ralf Scrampton, Larry. To drink: lots of water to lubricate their throats for all the shouting. General theme: Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit evil Tories Brexit Brexit Brexit Brexit.

Group 5: protheroe Fitzgibbon and earthleakage. To drink: everything. And then some Brasso. General theme: we’ll fight any man in thissh room, hic.

Group 6: GOBB, Jim, Kettering Canary. To drink: mild and bitter. General theme: it’s a concern.

Group 7: Jumbo and Garry. To drink: Cream of Sum Yung Ghye. General theme: come round!

Group 8: Dandy, Tricky, avenging canary. To drink: after extensive debate and recognition of the evils of multi-national drinks corporations, and in solidarity with those who are oppressed by reason of ability, geography and gender, while not forgetting their duty to the huddled masses everywhere else, they have settled on fermented goat milk produced by a collective of single mothers in South Sudan. General theme: how guilty they feel about drinking the fermented goat milk, when there are so many others who needed it more.

Posted By: Old Git on October 21st 2019 at 11:19:14

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