I've wondered about that

I'm not sure yet another "coronation" plays that well for them: if I were advising the Tories, which I'm not, I'd recommend they actually went through the whole process even though the outcome does feel predetermined if it's Boris vs anyone.

Ofc the country needs the fastest change possible as we're just drifting not only on Brexit but on everything at the minute; but what the country needs never really comes anywhere near what the governing party perceives it needs, in terms of priorities.

Also lest we forget the DUP support will need re-negotiating. DUP votes have never come cheap (ask Jim Callaghan). And it's not beyond the realms that the Tory rationalists refuse to back Boris: though at this stage the Tories get destroyed in any GE and they have to know that, which makes it less likely.

Posted By: Old Man on June 13th 2019 at 13:28:57

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