They are still £50 worse off

They get priority if they want it but they still have to pay £50 for the same priority they had anyway. And even the. It says that’s “for this season.” What happens after that?

Everyone else is paying £50 they didn’t have to before and a very large number will have less chance. I was in the top priority group for all away games that went to the points system last year. I will now have the same chance as x thousand away members and have to pay for the privilege.

I also have to pay an extra £80 if I want to have a chance of taking my son to home and away games.

I appreciate we all have a choice and it’s up to us if we want to pay it or walk away but we all know football does t work like that.

Posted By: Jim on June 12th 2019 at 09:45:00

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