the problem is....

that a planning application can only be refused on specific grounds set out in the relevant planning legislation. These are very restricted and so usually tie the hands of the councillors making the decision. And, even worse, if Councillors vote against a planning application, then should it be passed at the appeal stage, then the applicant can apply for costs to be awarded against the Council - that is, us the council Tax payers.
It's a pretty crap system and in all cases the presumption is in favour of development. At least Councillors have to stand for election but, in the case of the Broads Authority, which is a planning body for the Broads and surrounding areas (eg Yarmouth Rd. Norwich) they are appointees and arent even elected!
Here ends the rant.

Posted By: rosarios_school_tie on December 6th 2018 at 17:33:20

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