to enforce this would be ridiculously expensive and full of loopholes

how would you check?

stewart: "have you had the vaccine?"

fan: "err yup"

stewart: "ok in you go"

it would be like a monty python sketch

or, the club would have to set up a vaccine passport scheme which would be eye wateringly expensive set up and to maintain and check and update as and when someone got re-vaccinated.

then, the forged vaccine passports would appear.

and the time to check each person and bag search and the ticket check and it just isn't going to happen. not for a long time and if it was a nationwide government initiative then wouldn't they have rolled this out already to stop people not eligible to get treatment from the NHS from frauding the system? they manage that at best by asking people to fess up if they have lived in the uk for the last 12 months or not. hardly the most vigorous of gatekeeping. it's not happening.

Posted By: Tombs on January 14th 2021 at 21:10:33

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