It f**king truncated me, try again

All these mail-in answers are phony, you can't trust anything on the internet, the only person actually here in this room is me, so I win.

1) Which Bond film features the iconic line "Talk Mr Bond, I don't expect you to talk I expect you to die" - Goldfinger; the line was uttered by the eponymous Auric. Eponymous Auric, fantastic band but the third album was s**t really, still saw them at the UEA supporting Michelle Shocked -- BONUS POINT FOR HAVING SEEN THEM LIVE, 2 POINTS SO FAR

2) Frances Gumm 1922-1969 was better known as....? -- The Judester, the Main Garland, Garlo Fantastico, Judy Garland - THREE POINTS SO FAR

3) Name the character played by Elizabeth Hurley in 'Austin Powers International Man of Mystery'? -- Frances Gumm. That's not what they named her (Vanessa something or other, or was it something else, can't really remember now) but it's what I named her per the instructions BOOM FOUR POINTS

4) Who did die whilst making the film 'Game of Death' in 1973? -- erm, is that Oli Reed or Bruce Lee, going with BRUCE LEE even if that's wrong I still get a point according to my rules so that's FIVE so far

5) Actor Nicholas Cage is the nephew of which famous Film Director? -- Apoloclypse When? The main man FFC, father of whatever his daughter's called, can't remember now but anyway she's pretty famous at films and that and her dad was Francis Ford Coppola and that is SIX

6) Which 1997 film was nominated in 14 different Oscar categories? -- Fuck me like one of your French Floozies but totally unbelievable how would a f**king lettuce sink a boat in the first place, eh, they shouldn't make this s**t up anyway but I now have a Titanic SEVEN POINTS

7) Who played the part of Major Don West in the 1998 film 'Lost in Space'? -- Which part of Major Don West? If you don't specify which part of him you mean then the question is NULL AND VOID and I get a point anyway so EIGHT

8) If it was Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway in the original Thomas Crown Affair, who was it in the remake? --- I think it's dreadful the way they've dragged up Diana again her poor sons are still alive you know so making s**t up about her and the others I mean I know it's all entertainment but really, so for moral courage alone I get that right so NINE points to me so far

9) On film which former Olympic Swimming Champion was both Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers? Buster Gonad caught Crabbes and when Prince Vultan saw them wriggling he shouted "GORDON'S ALIVE", that's the perfect TEN

10) In 1937, what was the 1st Disney full length feature film? -- Fantasia, my score now GOES UP TO ELEVEN

11) What was your first pet called and what was it? -- Goldie the goldfish, BANG bet no-one else EVEN ATTEMPTS THIS ONE, that's the ROUND DOZEN POINTS one for eag egg in a packet of twelve eggs, anyway, must dash.

Posted By: Old Man on November 18th 2020 at 20:10:16

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