Yes I help coach U7's and we don;t do any heading. I don;t really think it

comes into the game in any significant way until they are at least 13 or 14 and to be honest even then with the way that kids are coached now and the emphasis on passing I very much doubt it will ever be as prevalent in the game as it was for this guys playing football in the 60's, 70,s and 80's where styles of play were often far more direct and obviously the balls were much more basic.

I think by the time my kids are adults then heading the ball will be much less a part of the game for those reasons, certainly heading back goal kicks or long punts up the pitch anyway. It seems to me watching our games that its quite rare now that our defenders have to head away a long ball in the way they used to, its more crosses and corners.

Posted By: Jim on January 16th 2020 at 12:04:18

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