I do as well to a point.

However if we really want to be serious for one minute about The serious challenges ahead facing humanity then we have to acknowledge the cause and not pretend that climate change is the problem. It's a symptom of a greater issue, the root cause - Over population.

The planet literally cannot sustain our population at its currently expanding rates. The infrastructure needed, the resources we consume, the agriculture needed, it's just not sustainable for the foreseeable future.

Now let me clarify that we absolutely need to do something about changing our habits of burning fossil fuels, there's no denying that, but let's not bury our heads in the sand and pretend that will solve the climate issues. It won't. Until we get serious about overpopulation, or find somewhere else to live we're in big trouble. But nobody wants to talk about that.

Posted By: I Am Hoot on October 9th 2019 at 19:05:12

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