What is a "career"?


- Worked (freelance) as one thing.

- Went to Uni, stayed longer than most, left with a professional qualification in another thing, working in bars and shops and so on to pay my way (I hate debt and in those days debt wasn't mandatory if you did enough paying work while at Uni, which I did).

- Didn't do that, did something else instead

- Quickly became the person most obviously knowledgeable about something else again

- Quit my job to go freelance in that field

- Largely through alcohol and writing, woke up on the board of an association

- Ran that association and then another one for a bit, during which time I developed expertise in several fields completely different from each other and also what I started out doing

- Hired by Big Corporate to do some of those other things

- Got ill

- Got better, now working freelance doing whatever I can persuade people to pay me for but some agglomeration of all of the above things, except the very first thing which people don't pay me to do any more at all

Very obviously I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up, but fortunately it shows no sign whatever of happening.

Posted By: Old Man on February 21st 2019 at 10:57:18

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