no probs bud happy to share

afaik he can use it places that give blue light workers/serving military in store discounts like go outdoors etc. also can be used at some nhs centers to gain enhanced access to mental health help. also some stores that offer discounts to serving armed forces members but only on production of serving id card will now be covered by vets id card. defence discount service has hundreds of these stores that offer good discounts from major car manufacturers to holidays, airport carparking, flights to sex toys. User Posted Link

all that aside it's been a right old skull f**k of a day, father in law passed early this morning after a proper godawful few months, it was tough to watch it all draw out but it's part of the hand you get dealt. so just mother in law to navigate now, in hosp with bust hip, stroke and the dementia and obvs the grief of losing her partner of 60 years. when this s**t is all over imma gonna f**k off to a place where no cars go. sorry for your troubles with your bro in law mate must be hard. these things are sent to try us though whatever that means. at least im not a chelsea fan ;)

Posted By: Tombs on February 12th 2024 at 21:52:55

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