APjnr went from about age 8-16:

There are lots of things to consider, the kids do feel part of a proper set up but I know that a lot of their experience can be based on whether they have a good coach in their individual group. You might find the where your PDC group is set up that might not be a good coach or many other kids at the same standard, either higher or lower.
Overall I thought it was good value for the money. And AP Junior certainly improved his skills, but a lot of his gameplay really developedFor his local team on the weekly training and weekly Sunday morning match. He will tend to find that a lot of the kids in your local PDC group will also be playing for your local team.
When AP Junior was in the PDC he then got moved up to what they called the elite PDC,or EPDC, Which is invitational only And is based on a better standard of player.It was kind of marketed as a kind of stepping stone to the Academy, but to be honest very few kids move from the PDC/EPDC into the Academy. However AP Junior often played against academy kids or other kids that were being brought into trial for the academy.
AP Junior certainly enjoyed it but they soon realise that they’re a lot better kids out there either in academies, regional playing centres that are also run by Norwich over in Cambridge and Suffolk, and also privately run groups such asA couple over in dereham in brackets sorry forgotten their name)
To be honest I think it’s reasonably good value for money

Posted By: Augustus Pablo on August 5th 2021 at 13:56:11

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