I want to see the biontech data

The article by Devasagayam et al {Stroke 47 (9), 2180-2182, 2016} puts incidence of CVST at 15.7 million per year with a 95% confidence interval of 12.9–19.0.

Take 20 million people, don't vaccinate them. Wait a year. You could expect 314 of them to have CVST clots. 20 million have had AstraZeneca and 79 have now had clots. You could argue that is a little high but doesn't look statistically significant to me.

I really want to see figures for clots from those who received Biontech and those who did not receive any vaccine. It is complex because the contraceptive pill massively raises clot risk so you can't compare pensioners unlikely to be on the pill getting biontech with nurses likely to be on the pill getting AZ.

These news stories about clots just drive up 'vaccine hesitancy' which will kill lots more than the clots ever will.

Posted By: Timmy_Goat on April 7th 2021 at 16:45:47

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