
1) Which well known actor is the part owner of Mt Snowden in Wales? - Hedward Hsnowden?

2) Who was the lead singer of Haircut 100 who later went solo? - Nick Heyward

3) Which British Scientist 1st discovered the circulation of blood round the body in 1628? - idk, guess at Hooke but it won't have been him

4) Which comedian had the real Christian name of 'Norvell'? Oliver Norvell Hardy, wuntit?

5) Which actress might you associate the South of England with? Well I might associate the South of England with anyone. In fact I choose to do just that with Audrey Hepburn, on the grounds there aren't many acresses I can think of with an H and one of the others is a later answer (and Hepburn was a bit of a hero in WW2 as well, just over the sea from the south of ENgland, and that's as good a connection as anyone elose's I reckon)

6) Who played the role of Mike Gambit in 'The New Avengers'? Gareth "have you seen Mike?" Hunt

7) Which comic died in somewhat mysterious circumstances in Sydney Australia in June 1968? - Tony H-h-hancock's half hour

8) Who owned a seaplane called 'The Spruce Goose'? - ooh, Howard Hughes?

9) Now aged 87, which Politician was known as Tarzan? Hezza, the Hezzmeister, Mr Westland, Mr Michael Heseltine, President of the Heselteenies

10) Which actress, who had a French mother and Austrian father specialized in playing Cockney's? She died in 1987? - going with Irene Handl but probables not

Posted By: Old Man on January 14th 2021 at 19:54:48

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