One of my favourite winter recipes is Daube

"Daube de boeuf Provencale" sounds so much posher than "a pan of scouse" but it's basically the same thing: braising steak, shin or even a brisket; leftover/tinybottle red wine, beef stock (just the cube/stock pot thingy, it'll melt into the tinned toms), any of: onions, leeks, celery, carrots, swede, turnip etc that you happen to have; garlic, whole black peppercorns, tinned tomatoes; any of bay/thyme/oregano - even basil/marjoram can work - that you have some old dried up bits of, don't fanny around "browning the beef" cos it makes literally no difference to the outcome just put it all in a casserole cold, slow oven for 6-8 hours. Make 3x what you'll eat, freeze the other two portions and they'll taste even nicer than the first one. Serve with pasta or spuds or just in a bowl. You can put black olives in towards the end of cooking if you like.

I also love a nice slow cooked lamb shank/kleftiko or pork pibil or....loads of things really.

Never tried to cook a chicken slow though.

Posted By: Old Man on December 5th 2020 at 21:36:44

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