
1) Who supposedly fiddled while Rome burned? - Nero

2) In the TV show 'The Herbs', what was the name of the dog? - Idno

3) 'Toccata and Fugue' is a famous work by which composer? - Bach

4) Which mid west American State is known as the 'Hawkeye' State? - Iowa

5) Who was the Norse God of Mischief? - Loki

6) What part of a tree is used to make Angostura Bitters? - Bark

7) Gabriele Kerner had a UK No 1 hit in 1984. Under what name? - Nena

8) Named by Disney as Anastasia and Drizella, what adjective would apply to these siblngs? - Ugly

9) What was the name of Inspector Clouseau's oriental valet? - Kato

10) Phthiriasis is an infestation of what in the body? - Nits

Posted By: Old Man on November 23rd 2020 at 19:12:04

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