You are right but I think it depends on where you are. The Councils can only

do so much.

In our village every single elderly resident (I hope at least) who is having to self isolate and who we don't think goes online (to access the same info via the village website or facebook group) has had a flyer through the door putting them in touch with the village volunteer group (phone numbers to call etc) who are about 60 strong and picking up shopping or anything they need. Some of said volunteer group are also collecting and delivering prescriptions daily to residents in the village from the local doctors surgery. The local pub has also stepped up to the mark with delivery services and a pop up delivery shop service using their wholesalers.

We are fortunate though that we are a relatively small village (although still 450 ish houses) with a reasonably strong sense of community including various clubs for the elderly residents and I guess therefore relatively easy for the community to identify who might fall into the vulnerable category and need some help. It obviously may not be so easy in bigger communities or urban areas or perhaps where people live in the middle of nowhere!

Posted By: Jim on April 9th 2020 at 12:48:07

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