Difference between "privilege" and "white privilege"

I'm not privileged, though compared to most of the world's population my parents were really loaded, compared to most of the UK's population, they really weren't. Not all my decisions have been good ones. I don't earn a lot by UK standards, though by world standards I'm f**king minted (but UK cost of living, etc).

I do have white privilege. No-one's ever given me a kicking, sworn at me, refused to give me a job, belittled me or made me feel worthless because my skin is brown. It isn't. I'm a white man. I think I understand racism because growing up in the 70s I saw it and joined groups opposed to it. But I've never experienced it myself and my perspective on it can never be the same as someone who has. It's white "privilege" because that's given me a freedom to live my life, however badly I've done that, that someone who isn't white hasn't enjoyed.

They're two different things.

Posted By: Yurik Hunt on January 22nd 2020 at 16:40:08

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