At one of my first games at Carrow Road...

I was standing in the River End.
We were playing Southampton and Shilton was in goal, warming up. Shilton kept picking his arse, so one wag shouted out 'have you got the s**ts, Shilts?' and he turned round with a face like thunder, so much hilarity ensued. I went to many more games in the River End over the next few years after that and would always bump into (some times literally) into the bloke who shouted, he was always from that day forth known as 'Shits Shilts' to me and mad aunty Olive.
Strangely, I've never forgotten this, but we did win 4-3 in a right old barnstormer of a game...

Posted By: Garry Brooke on January 15th 2020 at 09:03:09

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