Yeah, it's depressing isn't it?

that reminded me of the microscopic analysis of every single facet of every match and what we 'should' have done better etc etc when things weren't going quite so well.

As someone pointed out the other day, if you think the handwringing on here has been bad recently, then prepare yourself, because it's going to be f**king abominable on here when we're losing a lot more often in the prem (should we make it that is) .

However, Some posters are genuinely interesting to read in those circumstances and if you ignore all the opinions you don't really think add too much to the debate then it's not that bad.

I tend to be more optimistic and think that even if we are getting humped then as long as we're addressing the obvious things then I'm quite prepared to accept it.

And anyway, there'll still be plenty of people on here willing to talk s**te about non-football things and have a laugh about life so it won't be *that* bad.

If the worst comes to the worst, just remember, it's 10 times worse on the pink un/facebook/twitter

Posted By: Worzel Scrimmage on April 17th 2019 at 02:19:37

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