that's all very good but "a pedant writes"...

why is it dubbed the daily "heil" when "heil" in german is pronounced "hile" and not "hail"? otherwise it would be the daily mile and that makes no sense at all.

this is of course a rhetorical question but, worth making the point nonetheless as a lot of people on here get very pissy about farke life being jarring on the grounds of his name correctly pronounced is "farker" and this lazy mispronunciation of it to "fark" to shoehorn it into farklife to fit the tune of parklife makes us all look like simpletons. these are the same people by and large that take the piss out of norfolk people being unable to pronounce "funny" foreign names. bigotry is a funny old street depending on peoples narrative.

not aimed at you by the way, i wouldn't shooting the messenger. x

Posted By: Tombs on February 8th 2019 at 11:03:32

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