the exemption of shadenfreude in football

is a wonderful thing!

i am genuine. in the end, sport is pretty irellevant, a film, a book, whatever you enjoy with regards escapism.

it's also healthy. a lot of people vicariously watch boxing and feel every punch. again, healthy.

i am with you totally. f**k the c**ts let's bury 'em. guessing by your name you're a bit older than me and i've had so much stick over the years from not just ips**t fans but plenty of other clubs too. strange how quiet they become when you're doing well and they're dieing on their arse! (oh dear, what a shame!)

last point, lamberts record for and against norwich may need checking, would be interesting reading, someone will look it up perhaps nearer the match.

Posted By: earthleakage on January 21st 2019 at 00:38:49

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