You're weakening your own argument you know

The view that we need to respect the referendum is not entirely unreasonable. I dont entirely agree with it - democracy by its nature requires regular and frequent checking in with "the people", as the people "then" are not the same as the people "now", or who the people will be in "the future". And like it or not (and clearly you dont) the people are allowed to change their mind. Democracy isnt something you do once and never again. But the question of legitimacy and the loss of trust if we reverse course and ignore the referendum is an important one to consider. There will be people who will feel very let down and will loss what faith they have left in politics and politicians.

By making this illogical argument that "everyone who voted lab/con at the last election supported Brexit" you make yourself look like an extremist and, frankly, a bit foolish. Your position ignores the complex real world details that are part and parcel of party politics. Christ alive, MPs of the same party - members of the same cabinet - do not always agree on every topic. They come together because by doing so they can get more of what they want, even if they dont get everything they want. You probably wont find a single person alive who agrees with absolutely everything written in some given party manifesto. But people have one vote and need to mark one box.

Life and people's opinions are way more complex that your facile argument implies.

Posted By: Under soil heating on December 12th 2018 at 16:46:52

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