The 100% bottom line.......

The fans who were most loyal to NCFC last season will get the opportunity to watch them Live in the PL.
If you are not either a ST holder or a person who attended a lot of away games then clearly you are a casual fan.....its that simple.
You were always taking a huge chance on getting tickets.
And now you blub....

I can see why the club has added the huge fee for membership while reducing the price of the actual casual ticket.
If they made membership free or 5 quid then every chancer and tout would be in there every game trying to get a ticket knowing they could resell it for at least twice the value. The fee keeps those people away. If the price keeps you away then its not the clubs fault. You just cant afford something. That's life.
I don't have a jet, not blubbing about it.

Posted By: usacanary, Jun 12, 17:26:15

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