They really are in a hole aren’t they

As Hucks said they have basically just replaced about 25 staff and have put Webber and Farke people in every key position.

Farke is perhaps the only one who could be thrown under the bus to save the owners skin (I did hear on the grapevine that he’s on very low wages by champ standards) but that still leaves all the rest and we surely can’t afford to go on another hire and fire spree.

Under this board/regime I just can’t see them ditching the new structure so soon as it would be an admission they have got it completely wrong (again).

What a mess! Oh and what a great two years Ed Balls has had as chairman! I believe we won away at Old Trafford in the week he and Tiny Tom (who the fans need to make clear they will not accept as owner) were appointed.

Posted By: Jim, Dec 23, 07:44:02

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