"he was 'given' the role of director after being a civil servent"

I didn't mention he was to be given the club and don't imagine it will just be 'gifted' to him in some juvenile interpretation of how transfers of ownership are undertaken.

My objection is to the nepotism... giving him a job because he is their nephew. This was done and it is well documented. I don't think any disputes that?

I would not be okay with the club being transferred to him in any way. However, I suspect it will, as Delia confirmed in the above article, by means of a trust. Such a trust can easily be manipulated... you just need signatures of the trustees.

Perhaps BK8 was bought in to 'entertain' the trustee members with sexual gifts and garner their support - now thats a statement you can take an objection to! :)

Posted By: BearCan94 on June 9th 2021 at 14:43:15

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