Did you ever watch 'House', the TV show?

The running gag was that every patient was diagnosed with Lupus at some point in every episode. My understanding is that a diagnosis of Lupus takes approx one year+ (hence the juxtaposition with House's diagnoses within very short time frames) and that many autoimmune diseases only become apparent in the long term.

To what extent can you rule out long term detrimental outcomes from a vaccine from a short term study? The risk of death from sarcoidosis is approximately the same as from covid.

So again, getting back to risk balance, is it worth taking a small risk on a not-fully-tested-vaccine against a known risk of contracting covid?

There isnt much point discussing because at this time we, in the UK, have no available vaccine options. Being not-so-old and relatively healthy I am somewhat down the line in being vaccinated so I basically hope there is a decent vaccine that minimalises the most detrimental outcomes which has minimal side effects that everyone takes.

If the worst comes to the worst and there are significant side effects to this Russian vaccine or to a potential UK vaccine, please bear in mind the political pressure on those being applied to the scientists and regulators.

Posted By: Timmy_Goat on August 11th 2020 at 20:57:18

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