I lived with a guy who liked arguing, but in the middle of that he really did believe

9/11 was manufactured. It would then turn to how the middle East is purposely f**ked the way it is for the west to make money.

Eventually just like you said, they all come out over time. Holohoax, fake moon landings.

I read a few psychology sites cos I wanted to know why you would get like that.
I just boils down to the simple fact that if you can't believe chaos exists, you'll find comfort in believing it isn't. Then theories that everything is staged or secrets are kept from you will get you through the day.

Quite basic really. Then I understood why these peeps can't just have one they believe in, it's always all the theories. It fits

Posted By: Agatha Fisty on May 24th 2020 at 22:52:38

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