Weekend Fenton drama x 2...

1. Fenton was violently sick and came up in large lumps all over, visible through his coat! Rushed down to vets and had steroids and antihistamine intravenously for a severe allergic reaction, probably to an insect bite!... medication worked within a couple of hours... thank goodness!

2. The next day, a nice walk along the river Arun, near Arundel and Fenton disappears! Someone on opposite bank shouts over that he is in the river, trying to get out! (the banks are steep and lots of very tall reeds). I make my way down through the reeds and see him frantically scrabbling at the slippery bank!! I have to lay down through the reeds and over the bank so I can reach down into the water and grab his collar to haul him up by the neck! He was coughing and sputtering, but apart from being drenched and crestfallen, was ok!!

Bloody dogs!

He stayed in yesterday whilst I watched the cricket and Nodge game!

Posted By: Worthing Yellow on July 15th 2019 at 10:54:28

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  • Weekend Fenton drama x 2... (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Jul 15, 10:54:28

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