The chat about panorama last night

I didn’t see it myself. However, I’m entirely confused as to the poor old BBC at the moment. I’m constantly reading how they are biased against the Tories, biased against Labour, biased against Brexit, biased in favour of Brexit, biased against the right, biased against the left.

Is there anybody left who doesn’t feel the BBC is particularly biased against their own particular views?

Some of the more popular opinions are that the BBC is biased against the Conservatives, against Brexit and against the right. Therefore why would they then come out with a bit of a hatchet job on labour and Corbyn, especially at a time when after three years Labour and Corbyn have finally come out publicly in support of a second referendum and Remain?

I think in reality the BBC might simply be what it has been for years. Trying as hard as possible to provide balanced reporting.

Posted By: Steve in Holland on July 11th 2019 at 08:35:07

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