That's pretty difficult to do

cos he would have to make sure he didn't lose any time to his genuine rivals - only to someone who is close enough to him in the current standings to overtake him now, but who is no threat in the mountains themselves.

There are a few of those at the moment, if you look at the standings - Sagan is less than 30 seconds behind Froome, Gallopin and Van Avermaet around 40 seconds. None of those will be close to Froome and best climbers in the mountains. So if any of those three were to somehow escape the peleton in the closing stages and get a lead of a minute or so, Froome and Sky would be delighted.

But it's impossible to engineer that, and it's pretty unlikely to just happen...

Posted By: Tricky Hawes on July 10th 2015 at 10:47:29

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