That's my point from below

The story does not demand anything like as much tits and fanny as there is in the show, and I do think they've overdone it (though, Natalia Tena, mmmmm). I honestly don't understand why they do so much of that on the show; notwithstanding though it's still brilliant telly - complex, multidimensional characters; multiple, intersecting arcs; clear parallels to English history as well as the present day; compelling narratives; a desire to avoid clich? (apart, somehow, from the tits and fannies thing). The outcome of it all will definitely not be "and so all the nasty people died and went away and all the nice people lived happily ever after" -it will be bittersweet and emotionally complex. It's also got the best disabled character (Tyrion Lannister) in any mainstream TV series that I'm aware of (better than Walt Jr, imho, though he was pretty good too). Honestly it's worth seeing.

Posted By: Old Man on April 12th 2015 at 23:32:52

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