Top Gear Thursday Prediction of Tilt.....

While James May is suggesting that the three of them are a "package".........
Richard Hammond, not so much.

I predict Richard Hammond will take over TG.

I have nothing to back that up but a read of the situation.

Its well known Clarkson got vastly more out of TG than the other 2.
James May seems a nice guy but is not a front and center guy, he is a bit part player/straight man.

Hammond was loyal while Clarkson was under investigation. Politically that made the most sense until it all played out.

Hammond could front the show in my opinion and could be persuaded to stay if offered a chunk of what Clarkson was getting.
James May was right in that TG worked because of a "Last of the summer wine" type dynamic.

If the BBC went with three totally new presenters and a new vibe it would be a huge risk to this worldwide cash cow.

I think a transition to a new show with Hammond on board makes the most sense and has the lowest risk of all the options.

Posted By: usacanary on March 26th 2015 at 11:44:49

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