It would seem J Clarkson and Internet porn have something in common

It would seem both are very popular yet when asked very few will admit to their guilty pleasures........

Every survey and poll I have seen goes vastly in his favor yet I was under the impression he was a very polarizing figure.
Obviously not as much as his haterz would have you believe.

Call me crazy but I would like to know exactly what he has done before forming an opinion.
Lots of hearsay and innuendo at the moment.

My feeling is the BBC already fully knows what happened.

They might be seeing how this plays out in the court of public opinion.

Obviously its a huge cash cow and going on without Clarkson could be disaster.
Not sure if Hammond and May would also walk as the contract for all three ends in a few weeks anyway.

If they fire Clarkson he might not have to honor a non-compete..... yet he might if they let his contract expire.

Posted By: usacanary on March 13th 2015 at 15:00:44

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  • It would seem J Clarkson and Internet porn have something in common (General Chat) - usacanary, Mar 13, 15:00:44

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